INSPECTION Oasis Inspection I Quantity: 3 Non-contact inspection machine for all external profiles/features. Coordinate Measuring Machine I Quantity: 3 We use three CMMs to meet our customers' demands of high quality, accurate parts. We have one IMS CMM with full DCC capabilities and measuring range of 13.8" x 13.8" x 11.8". One CMM is a Browne & Sharpe that has a measuring range of 29.5" x 25.6" x 19.7". The 3rd and newest CMM is a Zeiss DuraMax 555 with a 500 mm cube measuring Window, auto tool changer, and PiWeb reporting. We also have a 2 Faro arms, which we use to inspect our equipment with CMM accuracy. This allows us to continue pushing toward lean manufacturing while delivering quality parts to our customers. HEAT TREAT Integral Quench Furnace I Quantity: 1 Warm oil quench of up to 2,500-pound batches. Hardening and tempering of alloy steels along with normalizing and tempering of both carbon and alloy steels. Vacuum Furnace I Quantity: 1 Nitrogen gas quench with max temp of 2000˚F to perform vacuum hardening, precipitation hardening, solution annealing, and vacuum tempering of 303 and 400 series stainless as well as exotic steels such as Inconel ® 718, X-750, A286 S/S and MONEL ® K-500. 3D PRINTING 3D Printing I Quantity: 1 We use a Markforged Mark Two Printer for printing fixtures and clamps for various processes, specifically for part holding during CMM inspections. It has a work window of 584 mm x 330 mm x 355 mm and uses both FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) as well as CFR (Continuous Fiber Reinforcement) technology to create fixtures that can be as strong as aluminum. WF_870650_Spensall Linecard_Winona_JP 12.24
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